Hedge Plants

Hedge Plants


Hedge Plants

A hedge or hedge row is a line of closely spaced shrubs and sometimes trees, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area, such as between neighboring properties.

According to the purpose of uses, hedges can be classified into the following groups;

  1. Tall protective hedges

The plants which are tall and grow to about 1-3m high are selected for hedge. The growth is dense with thorns. This type of plants are Acacia, Bougainvillea sp. Etc.

  1. Dwarf protective hedge:

The pants of this type should be dwarf having a height of about 1m. They should be thorny and protective inhabit. The plants of this group are Opuntia sp., Pedilanthus, Euphorbia sp. 

  1. Tall ornamental hedge:

The plant should be tall and ornamental in nature. They should have attractive leaves. The plants should also produce colorful flowers. Plants are Duranta, Plumeri, Murraya etc.

  1. Dwarf ornamental hedge:

The plants which are dwarf (i.e., the height of about 1m) and have attractive leaves are used for making an ornamental hedge. The suitable plants are Clerodendron, Lantana.


Benefits of a hedge in garden-

It is used to restrict the garden from all other parts like a public road, building, etc.

It separates the drive and parking area from the road, rose garden, and any other special features of the garden.

Tall hedges are also used to hide the ugly and unwanted scenes.

They are used for maintaining the privacy of a house from the adjoining houses, especially in urban areas.

They are used as windbreakers in the summer and winter months toward hot and cold waves.

They are raised with beautiful foliage, and plants having fragrant flowers increase the beauty of the place.

Common Bamboo (بانس)

Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter

Pot Size

14 Inch, 16 Inch

Conocorpus (کو نو کارپس)

Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter

Pot Size

10 Inch, 12 Inch, 14 Inch

leyland cypress


Pot Size

10 Inch, 12 Inch, 18 Inch

Ulta Ashoka (الٹا اشوک)

Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter

Pot Size

10 Inch, 12 Inch