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Antirrhinum Seeds


Packets Capacity: 20 Seeds in 1 Packet

  • Antirrhinum plants are primarily short-lived perennials, though some species can also be annuals.
  • They typically have simple, lance-shaped leaves.
  • Known as snapdragons, they are a popular ornamental plant with flowers appearing on stalks from the base of the plant. They are also grown from cuttings.
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  • popular ornamental plant
  • Short-lived perennials
  • They typically have simple, lance-shaped leaves
  • Antirrhinum blooms in various colors including white, pink, purple, and red
  • Grow up to 1-2 feet in height
  • Belongs to the Plantaginaceae family
  • Classified under the genus Antirrhinum majus
  • Snapdragons bloom in Spring, Summer, and Autumn


  • Antirrhinum blooms in various colors including white, pink, purple, and red.


  • The plant can grow up to 1-2 feet in height.


  • Belongs to the Plantaginaceae family.


  • Classified under the genus Antirrhinum majus.

Blooming Season:

  • Snapdragons bloom in Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

How to Propagate Seed:

Snapdragons can be grown year-round in most climates. Avoid planting the seedlings in extremely hot or cold weather, which can affect the germination and growth of seedlings. They are best grown in full sun or partial shade. Sow the seeds in the trays with a good starting mix 3mm deep and 20cm apart. The soil should be moist but never wet or dry. Seeds will germinate in around 7-14 days at a soil temperature of 21-24°C. When seedlings have several mature leaves, then transplant them into the garden. The seedlings will need protection from pets, pests and weather until they are fully established.

Antirrhinum seed can also be sown in the less formal “scattered seed” method. Firstly, roughen the soil. We secondly scatted the seed over the surface and, at last, smoothed the soil over lightly to cover the seeds.

How to Protect them from disease:

Like all plants, Snapdragon is receptive to pests, diseases and other problems. When its growing in the garden, it is attacked by aphids, downy mildew, grey mould, slugs, snails and spider mites. To control these disease attack, fertilizes them properly and apply fungicide spray on them. To prevent fungal disease attack:

  • Avoid watering on the leaves of the plant.
  • Water the plants at the soil level.
  • Remove the deadhead flowers to prolong the bloom of fresh flowering.
  • Apply slow-release fertilizer when seedlings are 5-10cm tall.
  • Apply liquid fertilizer when plants are fruiting or flowering.


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