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Dahlia (ڈا ہلیا)


  • Scientific Name: Dahlia Pinnata
  • Common Name: Dahlia
  • Description: Dahlias are tuberous perennials, and most have simple leaves that are segmented and toothed or cut. The compound flowers may be white, yellow, red, or purple in colour. Wild species of dahlias have both disk and ray flowers in the flowering heads, but many varieties of ornamentals such as the common garden dahlia. It one of the most beloved summer flowers, dahlias are often seen at nursury markets, flower competitions, and weddings—especially dinner plate varieties that can grow to be as large as your head.
  • Uses: Dahlia was widely used even in economical purpose: in landscaping, in floristry as a cut flower, for the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic, food and as raw material for the extraction of dyes.


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Blooming TimeAugust or November
Soil RequirementDahlias thrive in rich fertile soil that contains lots of organic matter, well-drained soil.
EnvoirnmentThey are planted in full sun but can also reduce plant quality if grown for prolonged periods warmer. Avoid temperatures above 27°C.
WateringWater deeply once or twice per week.  Dahlias grow best when they receive a consistent supply of water. Drip irrigation is ideal.




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