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Plumeria (گلِ چین یا فرنگی پانی)


  • Scientific Name: Plumeria Rubra
  • Common Name: Frangipani, Temple-tree, Red-Jasmine.
  • Description: Plumeria is a small rounded deciduous tree of the dogbane family that grows in a vase-shape to 15-25′ tall. It features fragrant white flowers with yellow centers. Upright branches are thick but weak, and have a milky sap. Flowers are white or pink with yellow center.
  • Uses: Treating Diabetes. With plumeria, gonorrhea can be healed naturally and minimal risk. Healing Inflammation. Treating ulcers. Smoothen Digestion. Antibiotics. Eliminating Warts. Treating Tooth Cavities. Eliminate Moles.
SKU N/A Category
Blooming TimeMay-Nov
Soil RequirementPlant Plumerias in a well-drained soil. Cactus mix is easy and effective as a soil medium. Plumerias planted in heavy soils are susceptible to root rot.
EnvironmentAlthough plumeria need frost-free weather to grow outdoors year-round, in cooler climates they can be grown in containers and brought indoors for the winter.
WateringWater every day or two for the first 2-3 months, until the plants are established. After that, they should get one inch of water every week or ten days.



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