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Lantana (لنٹا نا یا لال ٹینا)

Out Of Season

  • Scientific Name: Lantana camara
  • Common Name: Spanish flag, Big-Sage, Wild-Sage, Red-Sage, White-Sage
  • Description: Lantana camara is a thorny shrub upright, half climbing or sometimes more or less hanging, reaching 2-3 m in height. The stems and branches are angular, bearing curved spines, arranged along the edges. The leaves are simple, opposite, decussate with rough lamina, oval, regularly dentate with acute apex.
  • Uses:  Its leaves are used for treating malaria, chickenpox, asthma, ulcer, swelling, sores, measles, fevers, colds and high blood pressure.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU N/A Category
Blooming TimeJune-October
Soil RequirementLantana is tolerant of most soil types, but prefers rich, well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. Mulch with pine needles to increase soil acidity.
EnvironmentLantana plants may survive in a light frost, but if the temperature dips below 2°C or stays cold for a long time, the plant will die.
WateringWater newly planted lantana regularly to ensure healthy root development. While established plants are drought tolerant, they receive roughly one inch of water per week.



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