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  • Scientific Name: Ruellia simplex
  • Common Name: Ruellia or Mexican Petunia
  • Description: Ruellia is a hardy, evergreen flowering plant that grow fast and spread fast in the ground just like the mint plants. They self-pollinate and keep on flowering. They are a great option for beginners, and a great choice for landscape ground coverage.
  • Uses: Ruellia known as cracker plant is traditionally used as diuretic, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-hypertensive and anthelmintic.  It is a foliar and floral accent or filler shrub for landscape borders, even streetscapes. Versatile shrub for use in mesic and oasis landscape design themes. Easy to care for and great for use as coverage, ruellia plants offer unique beauty to landscape areas.
SKU N/A Category
SeasonsSpring, Summer, Autumn
Soil RequirementRuellia needs rich, well-draining and moist soil. So, opt for a soil that is rich in compost or manure and does not hold water. One recommended soil mix is Soil + Sand/perlite with upto 30% of organic compost.
EnvironmentMexican petunias thrive in warm hot and humid climates, but are also frost resistant, super hardy and bounce back after winter passes away. If you live in a hot, dry, desert, arid or tropical climate, place the Ruellia in a location that receives shade from the afternoon sun.
WateringWater frequently when it’s young. Once established, it becomes drought tolerant. Ruellias like regular watering, but are also drought tolerant once established. Water your Ruellia plant when the top 1-2 inches of the soil starts to dry.


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