Palm Tree
Palm Tree
Palm Tree
Palms are very useful plants of the tropics and other warm regions. A palm has a single trunk with a bunch of large leaves at the top. The trunk can be very tall, up to 200 ft high, or it can be so short that the plant is almost trunkless. Often the trunk is smooth. Sometimes it has circular scars from where old leaves dropped off.
Shape of palm leaves is like fans or feathers which are also known as fronds. Some palm leaves are very long with prickly tips like the leaves of the raffia palm can be 65 ft long.
Palms produce dry or fleshy fruits that vary in size, shape, and structure. For example, the dates and the betel nuts are soft, fleshy fruits. The fruit of the coconut palm is hard on the outside and has moist “meat” and liquid inside.
Some people of the tropic areas depend on palms for food, oils, shelter, clothing, timber, fuel, building materials, and more. Coconuts are one of the most valuable tropical crops. They provide oil for cooking. The fiber of the coconut husk, or outer covering, can be woven into ropes and mats. Coconut shells are used to make cups and bottles. The liquid in the center is called coconut milk. Palms are used as ornamental plants in urban landscaping.
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